
The Coldest Winter I Ever Spent…

7b63f3fb-b691-40ce-a96a-dead37e4efe8Well, Mark Twain sure got it right. Summer in San Francisco is when we get our winter gear out of storage and keep a stash of blankets at the ready. But don’t let the chilly breeze off the bay deter you from enjoying your outdoor space! Here are a few tips on keeping warm in style, whether you enjoy it on a fire escape or roof-top deck:

  • Fire it Up:  Cozy up to an outdoor fireplace like the ModFire pictured here. It’s super stylish and has clean burning fuel options which can even be used indoors! Outdoor fireplaces come in lots of shapes and sizes, even table-top versions, so don’t let lack of space deter you. Don’t forget the marshmallows!
  • Indoor/Outdoor Furniture: Since you don’t spend all of your time outside, get dining chairs or stools that can be used inside or out. This way you can be at the ready for a spur-of-the-moment cocktail party on your balcony.
  • Block that Wind: Keep everyone warm by blocking some of that constant air conditioning. Create a wind breaker out of materials such as plexiglass or canvas. Plants and hedges would offer some resistance, too.
Image via Modfire

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